Tag Archives: electrolytes

Mondays and Mimosas & a Flu Shot Poll


It was a busy weekend out-of-town for a family wedding and I was able to stay on my training schedule despite the change in location. Hope to update more on that later. In the meantime, I’m hitting up my daily dose of Emergen-C to hopefully stay ahead of any wayward bugs and keep my electrolytes charged as we head into the flu season. One of my co-workers often teases me that I’m hitting up my mimosas again whenever he sees me drinking my Emergen-C. One can always hope, right?

Speaking of which, tomorrow is Flu Shot day here at work. I’ve never really been on the flu shot bandwagon but in my runner’s circles it’s quite the debate and has me wondering I should or not.

How about you?  Are you for the flu shot or against it? Just for kicks, how about a poll?