Quarter Marathon highlights

QM 2013 Collage

The day could not have been more perfect. I ran two great races. I PR’d my 5k time without having to push myself too much which was great.  It felt good to shave 30 seconds of that pesky 5k PR.  Pesky because it was a tied race time.  Nothing like crossing a finish line and giving it everything you have to find out you have tied your previous best. Oy! So, yesterday I took away a new time which was unexpected. I told my running buddies that the next time I have a 5k that I don’t have to follow with another 6.5 mile run, it is on.  Release-the-secret-weapon-on.

The quarter marathon was a lovely run as well.  I’ll admit, the extra 3 miles and a thirty minute delayed start between the 5k and and quarter was more of a challenge than I anticipated.  My legs felt pretty heavy the first mile or more into the run.  Mentally I told myself to just listen to my body, not push it and just enjoy the ride.  That was the best mental talk I could have given myself.  Eventually my body loosened up and I enjoyed  listening to my tunes and chatting it up every so often with people I came across on the course.  Lots of inspiring people along the way and many of them gave me the extra push I needed to make it through all the rolling hills and inclines in the last couple of miles back toward the finish.

Hands down most fantastic way to start the fall.

(Photos courtesy of Fleet Feet Tulsa Photobucket with personal edits)

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