Tag Archives: Mile run

an 11-miler and a breakfast that would make the Contessa proud

Today’s training run was an 11-mile progression run.  Even though there was a possible threat of rain during the scheduled morning training run, I passed on the group run this morning and got the miles in on my treadmill.  It was just one of those days where I just needed a little more time before getting out of bed.  Most of my running buddies think I’m crazy to do long distances on the treadmill if I don’t have to.  But, I don’t mind it. Actually, I kind of like it.  It’s okay. Call me Crazy. I won’t take it personally.

Made myself a great post-run breakfast that I wanted to share. Everything I’m learning and reading about endurance training advocates consuming a good amount of protein within 20 minutes following long runs and hard workouts.  It helps rebuild what was torn in the muscles during the workout.  I have started incorporating either low-fat chocolate milk or almond milk with egg white protein powder in that post-run window but I also make sure my breakfast has some good sources too.  I’m for all the muscle recovery I can get!

So, this morning I was STARVING post-run.  Can I say, a progression run on a treadmill is workout? There’s no slowing down and speeding up that happens when you’re out on the road. Treadmill runs are constant speeds for the duration of the progression. Oh, and hills. Did I mention I set my workout to randomly engage inclines between 0-5 percent for the duration of the 11 miles?  Just to fend off the “treadmill running is flat” naysayers.

Needless to say, I was more than ready to eat and really didn’t want to have to wait longer while cooking something elaborate.  I started to grab the very handy egg white carton when I was deterred by the sight of a perfectly ripe avocado in my fridge’s veggie drawer.   Then I spied the package of white corn tortillas on the shelf above that I bought last weekend and had since forgotten. A little red onion, bell pepper and spinach sautéed in a spray of coconut oil and within minutes my inner Barefoot Contessa rewarded my inner Hungry Runner Girl with…


White Corn & Egg White Breakfast Tacos.

Game changer.

So easy, I almost hate to call it cooking!  The only thing I might add might be a sprinkle of feta or gruyere.  Or some sort greek yogurt drizzle.

And maybe just a glass of breakfast wine.

Quarter Marathon highlights

QM 2013 Collage

The day could not have been more perfect. I ran two great races. I PR’d my 5k time without having to push myself too much which was great.  It felt good to shave 30 seconds of that pesky 5k PR.  Pesky because it was a tied race time.  Nothing like crossing a finish line and giving it everything you have to find out you have tied your previous best. Oy! So, yesterday I took away a new time which was unexpected. I told my running buddies that the next time I have a 5k that I don’t have to follow with another 6.5 mile run, it is on.  Release-the-secret-weapon-on.

The quarter marathon was a lovely run as well.  I’ll admit, the extra 3 miles and a thirty minute delayed start between the 5k and and quarter was more of a challenge than I anticipated.  My legs felt pretty heavy the first mile or more into the run.  Mentally I told myself to just listen to my body, not push it and just enjoy the ride.  That was the best mental talk I could have given myself.  Eventually my body loosened up and I enjoyed  listening to my tunes and chatting it up every so often with people I came across on the course.  Lots of inspiring people along the way and many of them gave me the extra push I needed to make it through all the rolling hills and inclines in the last couple of miles back toward the finish.

Hands down most fantastic way to start the fall.

(Photos courtesy of Fleet Feet Tulsa Photobucket with personal edits)